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7SHIELD videos

The following video presents the project outcomes:


The following table provides the different videos that have been produced by the project partners in connection with their activities:

Category Video TitlePartner Link
Prevention technologiesSecure Authentication MechanismSERCOSecure_Auth_Mecha.mp4
7SHIELD vs Brute_force_attackBrute_force_attack.mp4
Combined threat assessment tool MBDAResiltechMBDA.mp4
CIRP-RAT Risk Assessment ToolSatwaysCIRP_RAT_Tool.mp4
Detection & Response TechnologiesMultimodal Automated SurveillanceINOVMMAS.mp4
Radio Frequency Interference Detection & IdentificationHellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT)RFIDI.mp4
Video-Based ToolsCERTHVideo_Based_Tools.mp4
Data collection and edge processingACCELIGENCEData_collec_Egde.mp4
Perimeter Laser Sensor TestDr Frucht Systems Ltd (DFSL)PLS_Test.mp4
Laser Based Detection TestLFS_Test.mp4
3D Mini Drone Detector & Flying Hunter3D_MND_FH.mp4
GEO Spatial Complex Event ProcessingSatwaysG-CEP.mp4
Cyber Attack Detection Framework (CADF) User manualCeRICTCADF_User manual.mp4
First Responders’ Support SystemINOVFRSS.mp4
7SHIELD PlatformCyber Physical Threat Monitor DashbordENGINEERING GroupCPTMD.mp4

The following table presents the different pilot demonstration videos:

Video TitlePartnerLink
NOA pilot demoNational Observatory of Athens(NOA)NOA_pilot_demo.mp4
FMI pilot demoFinnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)FMI_pilot_demo.mp4
FMI pilot demo streamFMI_pilot_demo_stream.mp4
SpaceApps pilot (ICE Cubes) Operational TestSpace Applications Services (SpaceApps)SPACEAPPS_pilot_test.mp4
SpaceApps pilot (ICE Cubes) demoSPACEAPPS_pilot_demo.mp4